The popular show first debuted in September of 1998 with the show created by British show-runners David Briggs, Mike Whitehill and Steven Knight. Who Wants to Be A Millionaire was hosted by Chris Tarrant for over 12 years with many different versions of the show being produced across the globe.
Amazingly, there are international variants in over 160 countries across the globe. In 2008, Sony Pictures Entertainment bought the rights to the show and decided to bring the experience to the iGaming world.
Diving into online slots
There were many original online slots, but none quite as successful as Big Time Gaming's series with the first game being Who Wants to be a Millionaire Megaways. Released in 2018, this Megaways slot brought in multipliers and free spins as well as popular mechanics from the show such as Hot Seat and 50/50.
Whilst this slot continues to be one of the best-branded slots out there, Big Time Gaming decided it needed to be bigger. In 2021, the developers decided to add the Megapays to the slot with four different progressive jackpots including the Mini, Midi, Major and Mega Jackpots.
Not content with the Megaways mechanic, in 2022, Big Time Gaming decided it was time for a Cluster Pays version of the slot but the regular version wasn't good enough. This is where the Megaclusters mechanic comes in with the clusters breaking down into smaller clusters leading to larger wins.
Familiar features
As previously mentioned, this game series contains features that will be familiar to fans of the show. During free spins, there is the chance to gamble in the Hot Seat to climb up the prize ladder. Alongside this, there are lifelines during free spins such as 50:50, Phone a Friend and Ask the Audience.
Step into the Hotseat
Everyone wants to know what it's like to actually step into the Hotseat and with Big Time Gaming's Who Want to be a Millionaire series, players can finally find out what it's like. This series gives players the chance to experience the show but without the stress of national TV. As one of the best-branded slots out there, there is no reason not to check out one of the amazing slots in this series.