Scientific Games transforms into Light & Wonder

SG Digital has changed its name
On March 2nd 2022, Scientific Games, known as SG Digital, has announced that they will no longer be doing business until Scientific Games and instead will become Light & Wonder Inc.
They will be a game company that focuses on creating great games and leveraging technology to deliver a seamless experience across all of their platforms.
What is Light & Wonder?
Light & Wonder is taking a deliberate cross-platform approach to bring game franchises to players anywhere in the world and any time with games available in land-based casinos, online and mobile both in real money and free-to-play social gaming markets.
Over the past few months, they have made a series of strategic moves to transform themselves into the leading cross-platform global game company. Light & Wonder is born out of the strategic vision and input from key stakeholders.
“Born from our winning strategy,“ says Light & Wonder
“We are thrilled to introduce the world to Light & Wonder, a company that will build great games and franchises that offer players a seamless experience across platforms,” said Light & Wonder Chief Executive Officer Barry Cottle.
“Our powerful new strategy required a powerful new identity to distinguish us and our unique offerings and capabilities. Our new name and identity are born from our winning strategy to be the leading cross-platform game company and will inspire our people to make great products for our players.”
Legal change completed in Spring 2022
"We already have a world-class team powered by the brightest game creators in the business and in transforming into a growth company who invests in our people and products, we will serve our players even better wherever and whenever they play,” added Cottle.
The company’s new website featuring iGaming and land-based casino products, technology and services will now be Ultimately, this new portal offers player account management, hard work as well as games.
They will operate under an assumed name until a legal change is completed in Spring 2022. By this time, Light & Wonder will start trading under a new stock ticker reserved as LNW.