Complaining about an online slot site - what to do

Playing at an online slot site should be a straightforward process. Everything should run smoothly, it should be fun and you should feel that you’ve been treated fairly and correctly.
Unfortunately, for various reasons, this isn’t always the case. On occasion, players may feel the need to complain about an online slot site, often launching a process that can take some time to resolve. While many complaints are simple misunderstandings that can be resolved by support agents, sometimes things can become a little more complicated.
So what should you do if you feel you’ve been mistreated and have no option but to complain? What next if you’ve explored all avenues with the slot site concerned but found them wanting?
Read our step-by-step guide below on how to complain about an online slot site should the need arise.
Collect your evidence
Before beginning any complaints process, it’s important to get your house in order. Collect your evidence. If you think something isn’t right and you want to raise a complaint, make sure you have a detailed note of what went wrong and when, what should have happened, and where the casino is at fault. Ideally, you should write this out, referencing the casino's terms and conditions, indicating where they are in breach. Screen grabs of anything you think relevant could also be handy.
The more detailed you can be in your preparation, the easier it will be to fight your corner if needed. Presenting a logical, reasoned argument to the casino showing where something has gone wrong will give you the best chance of a quick resolution from the support team. Failing that, it will provide a streamlined approach to escalating your issue to someone who can resolve it for you.
Present your case
As a first port of call, you should reach out to customer support to flag the problem before making a formal complaint. In some cases, simple errors can be fixed or issues clarified by support agents before you get deep into the weeds of fighting your case. Use the online chat service or email to raise your concerns, and ask someone to address your issue as soon as possible. Politely ask them to respond by a particular day/date – be reasonable though. But do make sure they know you expect a response.
The UK Gambling Commission expects a slot site to have a link to its complaints procedure on its website. If you don’t get the help you need through this channel, or even if you do, you may want to raise a formal complaint so that your issue is dealt with via a structured, formal investigative process. Every slot site is different in its approach to managing complaints, but this is the first clear step towards getting your issue heard and hopefully dealt with.
Escalate your issue
If the slot site doesn’t agree with your complaint, or resolve it in a satisfactory, timely manner, your next port of call is to escalate the issue – essentially have it reviewed again by someone more senior in the casino’s operation. Some issues may not get resolved at the first tier, but you might find a sympathetic ear further up the chain of command.
Remember to present logic and facts when outlining your case, and you’ll be in a good position to progress your complaint. This would likely be the final step with your slot site, the last hurdle before you take it externally.
Also, please feel free to contact us and outline the issue. We have relationships with many operators and may be able to provide some help.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
If you’re up against a slot site that can’t or won’t resolve your issue and still feel aggrieved, it’s time to take it to a higher authority. In this case that means Alternative Dispute Resolution – taking the matter to a recognised third-party dispute resolution body. Slot sites are required to nominate at least one ADR organisation – someone independent players can turn to when with unresolved issues. It's actually a condition of the slot site's licence
Do note though that ADR doesn’t just automatically grant in your favour. There will be a hearing, similar to a court hearing, where both sides have the chance to present their case and the ADR can deliver a verdict. This is usually handled remotely, and you should allow as much as 90 days for your issue to be considered. Complaining to ADR is usually free for you, the player, but you may incur costs at a later stage of proceedings if you’re required to source or submit further evidence.
If you have a fair complaint that hasn’t been resolved by the slot site and you’re genuinely getting a raw deal, the chances are high that ADR will be the resolving step in your journey.
Take it to court
If ADR can’t resolve the issue, the only remaining course of action is legal action, and court. Legal disputes are usually complex, expensive and highly risky things to engage in, so we always recommend stopping short of actually going to court if you can. However, if needs must in your case, make sure you’re prepared, well funded and ready for a long-haul battle to hopefully resolve the issue.
Casino complaints are a fact of life, as with any business. Legally, any disputes you have with a casino are governed by UK Consumer Rights legislation, though some regional differences may apply if you’re based in Scotland or Northern Ireland.
Always seek legal advice before embarking on any legal process. Remember that your best shot at a satisfactory resolution for any issue is with the casino itself, or that failing, through the nominated ADR organisation to avoid getting bogged down in intense litigation.